As you may already know, one of the primary goals of Rise & Abide Wellness is to help women steward themselves well in mind, body, and spirit. Now and then, I include a "Resource Roundup" in my weekly newsletter to assist with that very thing.
This post will serve as a collection of resources that I'll continue adding to.
READING CHALLENGE: At the start of the new year, our pastor shared the 2021 Christian Reading Challenge from Tim Challies. Even if you don't want to take on one of the challenges, the list serves as a great resource to help broaden our reading, thus providing the mind a variety of ideas to ponder. You can find all the information HERE.
A GOSPEL PRIMER FOR CHRISTIANS: LEARNING TO SEE THE GLORIES OF GOD'S LOVE: This book by Milton Vincent has been a tremendous blessing. It goes over why Christians need to preach the gospel to themselves daily and offers gospel truths on which to meditate. At the end the author shares part of his story, which I found to be so helpful to my own journey. It is one that you can go back to over and over. Check it out HERE.
SLUGS & BUGS SING THE BIBLE VOLUME 4: Our family has been very blessed by Randall Goodgame and the Slugs & Bugs projects since our boys were little. We especially appreciate the albums that put Scripture to music, as they help us hide God's word in our hearts. The 4th volume of 'Sing the Bible' recently came out. I encourage you to visit the Slugs & Bugs website to check it (as well as the other 3) out for yourself.
THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS:The Pilgrim's Progress is a Christian allegory written by John Bunyan in the late 1600's that has been a book of great importance to many believers. Revelation Media made a movie (rated PG) based on Bunyan's story and you can watch it for free on their website. My family and I first saw it last year. We enjoyed it so much we purchased the DVD and then a little trivia game that goes along with it. Click HERE to check it out.
"THE WORLD AND EVERYTHING IN IT": This is the news podcast our family enjoys listening to over breakfast. We appreciate the objective journalism covering headlines from a biblical worldview and the interesting segments that cover a variety of topics throughout the week. Click here to find them online.
When it comes to stewarding our bodies, I think we all know that nourishing ourselves with healthy foods while enjoying the junk on a more limited basis is the best way to go. Are you looking for some new healthy recipes to help you do just that? My friend Jennifer has a lot of great recipes and information available on the Helpful Tools page of her website, Nourished Nutrition Counseling.
SIMPLY LIVING FOR HIM: Romans 10:17 tells us that "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ." And so we know that reading the Word of God is vital to our spiritual growth in Christ. But do you ever get stuck on what to read next? I've been very blessed by the resources offered by Karen DeBeus at Simply Living for Him. In her online community she offers bible studies, scripture writing plans, bible verses to memorize, and more. If you'd like to check it out for yourself, click HERE to visit her website.
Do you have any helpful resources you'd like to share with our community? Are you in search of specific resources that you'd like help finding? Please let me know! I'd love share them in the next roundup.